Relationships are hard, especially ones that have been a lie from the beginning. I came home today happy to see the puppy and the boyfriend, to spend quality time together and watch a movie. He was pissed off and went right into the bedroom to lay down because that was his moment where he no longer had to care or watch the puppy. He complains I don't ever spend time with him etc...he mostly needy and I'm not and I think for the first time in a while I've been actually happy to come home to him and our animals.
I guess when I go back looking at our relationship there's been all this "hidden" messages. I was suppose to move to BC but decided to stay to see where this relationship was going. He said at some point he'd move there with me. He told me he wasn't a pot head and after his trip to mexico in May he quit smoking it. Well once we moved in together in August he began smoking it, and what turns out to be "not a pothead" is 100% completely a pothead can't fucking live without it. I agreed to converting to Muslim at some point...Let me mind you I am not a religious person. I believe in God and we have our own connection that isn't anyone's business but that doesn't mean I can't follow some sort of religion.
As time went on the relationship was only ever really about him and what I need to change in my life. A couple of weeks ago he finally grew some balls and told me he didn't want to move to Vancouver. Which I was fine with because I'm still going to go when I have enough money saved up. Anyways so I finally met his parents on Friday who of course liked me but his mother was like "She needs to become Muslim and get rid of her dogs." I was so pissed, apparently to them dogs are unsanitary and you can't own them unless they live outside, but inside the house is a no no. I literally was like "I don't care if you got down on one knee right now a proposed to me, I will never give up my animals." and he honestly looked upset about it. How the fuck can you be upset about it when clearly we have them, you moved in with me but expect me to change?
You see when we met I thought he was more of a spiritual person, yes I knew he was Muslim but he said he believe in all religions etc... So I really didn't see religion becoming an issue and now here we are...the great big elephant in the room. I'll be honest I didn't mind converting before but now I refused to. To tell me animals are not welcome and I wouldn't be able to have them is a big fucking no no.
We're both going down two very different paths in life and in the end I'm okay with that. Honestly after he said he wasn't moving to Vancouver I asked him if he was moving out? He said no because he couldn't have the freedom he has now living at home. He didn't say it was because he cared and loved me it was all about him and his freedom. Which in the end I was fine with cheaper rent and I finally stopped being mad about his lies with Vancouver and haven't brought it up since. He's honestly not happy since we got this puppy and I guess for once I'm content. I guess we're both just riding the waves until the ending. Yes we care for each other but we've come to a fork in the road and he want's to go one way and I want to go the other way.
I guess in the end we'll see how this story plays out.
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