Sunday, 18 January 2015

End of a friendship

It's really sad when a friendship ends. I had this "BFF" in Calgary and for almost two years we were just side by side. She had a boyfriend, I met Ash and things were good. Until her and her boyfriend broke up. Ultimately the friendship was still fine until she met this loser. Who has no respect for her, has cheated on her and grabbed her inappropriately at other people's houses. He's disgusting, immature she practically drives his ass around and does everything for him.

Not only that she can't be bothered to hang out with her friends unless he's there, when she does hang out its until he's off work and she's gone. Don't get me wrong when your day start dating somebody that's all you want to do. After a few months you should be able to do things with friends. Anyways I guess the last straw for the both of us was a little after Christmas. On Christmas Eve he admitted that he pretty much cheated on her. I said some truthful things about him and said if you give him another chance you look bad.

She did. Then Ash and I were having put issues and she called him a piece of shit. Now the difference betweent her and I is, when I actually care about someone I stand up for them. Even though him and I were fighting I stood up for him and made a comment as to what a piece of shit really was example her boyfriend. She didn't like that, and she also didn't like the fact I called her out on her shit.

She's lazy, she has every opportunity  to work around the city and make money. Instead she chooses to work at one site because she can sit on her ass all day and do fuck all. All the time I hear how everyone screws her over. How at this one site when she needs shifts no one gives them, but when they need daysnoff she takes them. I finally had enough and said; " you have every chance to work at any other site, you choose not to because you're lazy. So instead you get a 17 dollar an hour paying job and work one or two shifts here and there instead of making 32 an hour and working at every site." She attempted to play the victim on how she got injuried and I said before that, you weren't injuried and now your not injuried. The only person who's screwing you over is you. 

We literally didn't talk for days and when we did, I was talking about my move and my goodbye party. Turns out that's the only night she has off but I probably won't invite her simply because I really don't want to put her in a situation where I say "he can't come". And by me doing that she won't come. That will just piss me off, So I pretty much just save us both the trouble and not mention it to her again. It's not like we hang out anymore and it seems like when we do "talk" it's forced. The last time I saw her was New Year's Eve. She's always working and when she's not, the cheating sleaze is all she wants to hang out with. I'm okay with that. I hope one day she stops dating the same type of guys, grows up and gets her shit together. I'm just a little sad this friendship is pretty much over.

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