Today marks the day of.... Everything sucks. Last night his sister called him after things had calmed down and yet again it blew up and of course I look like the bad guy. All I asked of the now ex boyfriend is to give me at least until March. Pay his half of the rent for February that's it. He has given me short notice, it's not fair for him to just bail like that... It's really not. He hasn't even applied for school yet he just thinks he's going to get in by walking through the doors. And maybe he will with his luck.
So everything was fine, until his sister called. She said he only needed to give two weeks notice. Not a month. She lives in the states and seemed to have stirred up a whole lot of shit lastnight to the point yet again I broke down and cried and he decided to talk shit about me in Arabic. That pisses me off the most and then lie to my face. So then he gets mad and says "why are you so sad? You're getting what you wanted." And I said "I can't be sad this is done?! You're not sad?! Oh I guess you're happy we're over. Good to know." He then went to bed and I slept on the couch.
He woke me up around 3 when he got up and told me to go to bed. I ended up getting up at 3:45 because I work anyways and he sat down in the bed and kissed me. He said "we'll come up with a solution I won't fuck you over." Like what the fuck the solution is pay your half of the rent for February and get out. So by March 1. I have a shit load of money saved up to move to BC. I'm no longer prolonging this. He then asked me if I wanted him to live with me in Feb. I don't get it you wanted out so fucking bad and now you're offering to stay? Maybe the "break up" part threw him off? Maybe he doesn't believe it's over. I don't know, all I know is right now I'm left in the dark until he talks to his dad after work. I'm stuck at work until 6pm tonight and I'm literally sick to my stomach thinking about all of this. I just don't know what to do. I'm just going to sell everything, keep every dollar I can and go. I'm going to bite the bullet and just move to BC. I might struggle for the first little while but that's life, I stayed for someone and now he's gone. There's nothing left for me here... It's time to move on.
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